This article describes how you could use Elm inside a create-react-app and how you could patch your `node_modules` in a proper, reusable way.
Introduction In this Blog-post we will use create-react-app to demonstrate how you could use Elm inside and while doing that how to patch your node_modules in a reusable way by using patch-package.
Create Application We will create a react-app with
npx create-react-app elm-react-app This gives us a basic react-app with everything out of the box. Note that we are using react-scripts at version 3.1.1 here, future versions might have different line numbers we are using later on.
How to use fold and reduce to rewrite any function that operates on lists
Introduction In this post, I will explain how it is possible to use fold(in Haskell) or reduce(in JavaScript) to rewrite some common array functions to get a basic understanding of how they work and how much you can do with it.
So, if you want to learn how fold/reduce work and what a powerful function it is, this post is for you.
How does fold/reduce work? fold/reduce iterates over a list and operates on the current element and the already processed ones.
A comprehensive introduction to the go programming language
Introduction At first: Go is a fascinating language. The language addresses many issues other languages are having and as you may have noticed there got a bunch of new programming languages released in the last years like Rust(2010), Elm(2012) or Crystal(2014) for example, which all try to do something better than the ancient ones. So it’s important to keep track of actual language benefits to pick the right tool for the job.
A simple Makefile tutorial describing the basics and todays possible usage
Introduction I’m writing this because I have the feeling that many developers underestimate the power of Makefiles and they are simply not aware of this nice and handy tool which is installed on nearly every Unix-like machine. To be honest, who have never executed a make install or something similar? Most tutorials I’ve found out there are bloated with stuff, more complex than they would have to and you have to read pages after pages to get the basics.
How I set up my Raspberry Pi as a simple music server
Introduction I’ve finally managed to get a Raspberry Pi. I’ve already thought a long time of buying one, but because of missing ideas what to do with it I didn’t buy one. A school project came by which served the perfect reason to finally buy one (hint: self made monitoring camera) and now I’m lucky to have one.
Mopidy and stuff So what is running on my RPI now?
Hello everybody In this post I will show you how you can execute multiple commands on files via find.
Firstly how to use find:
find -type f -iname "*.extension" This will find all files under the working dir with the given extension. Of course you can use other things like filesize, user who owns that file etc. But for that example I will using this.
For example if we have multiple .
Hello folks,
I want to write a small tutorial on how to write a simple CLI-tool in Haskell.
For all who did not know, Haskell is a pure functional programming language which was released in 1990. What I personally like the most is list comprehension, this is a really powerful and great feature. But there are also other really cool things like maybe for example. It is really packed with a lot of cool stuff.